Emanuele Becheri
P.d.A 2017

Emanuele Becheri was born in Prato in 1973. He graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence in 1995. His work shows an idea of expanded design through various methods and different means, the latest works are often linked to video. Becheri has frequently exhibited in Italy and abroad, including solo shows: Hauntology, MAN, Nuoro, 2013, 2009 Aprés coup, Marino Marini Museum, Florence and Time out of joint, PAC, Contemporary Art Pavilion, Ferrara .
He also took part in important collective exhibitions such as La Magnifica Ossessione, MART, Rovereto, 2013; Brightlight / Darklight, American Academy, Rome, 2012, And yet it moves, Sandretto Re Rebaudengo Foundation, Guarene, 2009 and No Fear. Art from Italy after 2000, Center for Contemporary Art Luigi Pecci, Prato.